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 5 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Edouard Vimont"Advanced Search
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Sketch for the town hall at Arcueil-Cachan : the Family, between 1887 and 1888.  Creator: Edouard Vimont.
Sketch for the town hall at Arcueil-Cachan : Workers of Arcueil, between 1887 and 1888.  Creator: Edouard Vimont.
Sketch for the church of Rosny-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis): Saint Genevieve..., c.1875. Creator: Edouard Vimont.
Sketch for the town hall in Arcueil-Cachan: The homeland, between 1887 and 1888. Creator: Edouard Vimont.
Sketch for the town hall of Les Lilas: Youth, 1889. Creator: Edouard Vimont.